6 Mindful Summer Activities for Kids
Mindful Walking
Take a journey in your neighbourhood or in a nearby park. Ask your child to take some time to notice and name 5 things they see, 5 things they hear, and 5 things they can feel. Ask them to share what they noticed. Were there any new things they noticed? Ask them how they feel after doing this activity.
Build a Calming Corner
Using old sheets, pillows, couch cushions, and some kitchen chairs build a calming corner. Think old-school fort! Add in some comforting stuffy’s and favourite books. Set up a cozy spot that your child can use as a refuge to reset, reflect and rest throughout the day. Taking time to find refuge can help your child develop social-emotional regulation & become more mindful.
Mindful Colouring
Print out some fun new printable colouring pages. Take time to sit down together and colour. Focusing on one activity at a time can help improve our concentration and learning. It can also help us feel more confident and calm. You can find some fun free mindful colouring pages here.
Lovely Lemonade
With your child take the time to make a pitcher of ice cold lemonade. Pour a glass for yourself and your child. Sit together and slowly drink the lemonade. Encourage your child to notice the temperature of it. Notice if it is sweet or sour. Ask your child how it feels on their tongue and throat. Take time to slow down and really taste it.
You can even discuss where lemons are grown and how long it may take to grow one ripe lemon. Think about the farmer who cared for the lemon and the truck driver who delivered it to the grocery store. Take a moment to reflect on how we obtain our food.
Natural Art Challenge
While out in a natural setting, challenge your child to collect leaves, grasses, sticks, rocks and perhaps some fallen flowers to create a natural mandala.
Mandalas are round designs traditionally made to aid in a meditation practice. Once the mandala art is complete, ask your child to simply sweep it away with their hands. This helps to teach the idea of non-attachment. The idea that everything in life is temporary. Even our cherished creations. We can learn to let go of our attachments.
Silent Challenge
Find a spot in a nearby park or a place in your neighbourhood where you know many birds frequent. Take a blanket or find a bench and sit silently while listening to the various bird songs. Ask your child if they notice any patterns in the songs they hear? Ask them how they feel after listening in silence for 5-10 minutes.
Amber Pavey is a writer, creator, educator, momma, and a lover of all things WELLness. You can learn more about her work at www.presentpossibilities.ca